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About TopCrop

For generations, Dutch arable farmers have been working on producing healthy and sustainable food.

Safeguarding food and feed safety is key for customers and other parties in the supply chain . An independent organisation operates the TopCrop certification scheme (formerly VVAK) for this purpose. With this scheme growers obtain a certificate for one or more arable or field grown vegetable crops, such as potatoes, sugar beets, vegetables (for processing) and cereals. This certificate demonstrates that the grower complies with food and feed safety standards. A TopCrop participant also meets the highest standards (gold level) of the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) 3.0. The Sustainable Agricultural Initiative (SAI) Platform operates this international standard for sustainability.

Stichting TopCrop

The TopCrop certification scheme is operated by Stichting TopCrop, thus safeguarding impartiality and expertise. The organisation has an executive board that manages the organisation and a Board of Experts (BoE) with parties from the sector. Professional specialists from the sectors starting material, production, trade, processing and contract work are represented in the Board of Experts and advise the executive board on technical subjects.

Over 7,000 participants

TopCrop has more than 7,000 participants. It involves arable farms that hold a certificate for one or more crops. They are checked periodically by one of the approved certification bodies. The Manual and the Grower Handbook for the particular growing season, including supporting documents, are paramount during an inspection. See documents. The TopCrop certificate is valid until the following inspection with a maximum term of three years.

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Different crop modules

TopCrop has six different crop modules:

  • Starch potatoes
  • Potatoes for human consumption
  • Vegetables (for processing)
  • Cereals, seeds and pulses
  • Sugar beets and chicory
  • Miscellaneous (hemp grown for fibre and maize, amongst others)

For some crop modules it relates to a crop group that includes different arable crops. The Manual (appendix D) describes which crops these are per crop module.


With TopCrop, participants comply with the sustainability standards imposed on producers. The certification scheme is equivalent to the standards of the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) 3.0 at the highest gold level. Independent research bureau CLM performed a benchmark in order to compare and ascertain the extent of compliance with the set sustainability standards. FSA 3.0 was compiled by the SAI Platform (Sustainable Agricultural Initiative). This is a global non-profit organisation that supports the food and drink industry in developing a sustainable supply and production.

Hygiene code food/feed and GMP+

Companies with the TopCrop certificate comply with European hygiene standards for food and animal feed. These standards are part of the stipulations for obtaining a single farm payment under the Single Payment Scheme. TopCrop participants also comply with standards imposed by GMP+ on the production of feed materials. Indeed, TopCrop can serve as full implementation of the risk analysis that customers of raw materials for animal feed must apply as part of the GMP+ gatekeeping procedure.

International cooperation

TopCrop and Belgium-based Vegaplan have concluded an agreement for mutual recognition, meaning certificates of both parties are interchangeable. This enables a TopCrop participant to deliver to Belgian consumers who request a Vegaplan certificate from their suppliers, without any further certification requirements, and vice versa.


Are you interested in taking part in TopCrop as a grower? Go to the Participate page and read all practical information for (potential) participants.