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TopCrop has more than 7,000 participants. On this page you can read about participation.

Do you wish to take part in TopCrop? If so, you can contact one of the three approved certification bodies (CBs). These CBs are authorised to carry out independent audits, thus ensuring that participants in TopCrop adopt the measures prescribed by the certification scheme.

From VVC to TopCrop

Are you still in possession of a food safety certificate (VVC), a predecessor of TopCrop? That is possible. TopCrop originated in 1999. Following a number of foreign food and feed scandals, the Dutch arable farming sector began experimenting with independent business certification via a three-year project, named Kwaliteitsproject Akkerbouw (KPA; in English: Quality Project Arable Farming). This project came to an end in 2002. With more than 1,200 participating arable farms, certification in the various crop chains continued with so-called VVCs. Because multiple crops are grown at most arable farms, 2005 saw the creation of the certificate of compliance known as Voedsel- en Voederveiligheid Akkerbouw (VVAK; in English: Food and Feed Safety Certificate for Arable Farming) via the merging of the VVCs. Since then, growers have been able to choose one or more VVCs or VVAK with one or more crop modules.

Over the years, more and more customers have started using their module in VVAK. Currently, there are only VVCs for sugar beets and potatoes for human consumption (for the processing industry). Growers still using these VVCs can ask for these to be converted into TopCrop via their CB. For although the VVAK is a national certification scheme, last year it emerged there was a need for further professionalisation and information for (foreign) clients. This led to the updating of the TopCrop scheme.

Surcharge on invoice

In order to finance the costs of operating TopCrop, the CBs charge a small annual fee per crop module or crop certificate. In 2024 the figure is €3.00. The CBs make this visible as a surcharge on their invoice and pay this amount to Stichting TopCrop.

Contract work

Arable farms can hire contract workers to carry out work. The grower is responsible for complying with the standards in the event of contract work. This can be demonstrated by a copy of the following provided by the contract worker:

  • A VKL certificate (listing on is also sufficient);
  • TopCrop certificate for the crop in question (for growers who are also contract workers).
  • Approval of the sprayer and the spraying licence (if the contract worker only carries out spraying work).
  • Any other certificate or proof of meeting the requirements. Belgium's Vegaplan certificate (production/contract work) has been recognised by TopCrop as a scheme that meets the requirements.

Unable to prove any of the above? In that case the CB may carry out an inspection involving the contract worker at the arable farm's expense in order to ascertain compliance with the requirements.

Useful documents

Various documents are available for TopCrop participants. You will find them on the Dutch page.